
Who makes great promises is not credible

Companies today need innovative but concrete professionals able to accurately analyze their identity and, starting from this, propose an ethical, correct, and sustainable strategic direction.

Strategic planning must be courageous but it needs to respect responsibly some aspects: above all the identity and history of the enterprise and then its organizational balances as well as a general economic sustainability.

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The seven deadly sins of CRM

The idea to write this blog post was born from an article in the major magazine “Harvard Magazine”, the text begins with these words: “In the automation race the next frontier is in marketing and sales. As everyone knows, in the past decade, computer systems have penetrated massively into design and production…” and then goes on to say: “Commitment to automated marketing and sales systems has tremendous potential in terms of improving productivity “.Read More

Persuasive copywriting

Lately, I feeled the duty to write this post to shed some light on Copywriting, its meaning, and its role in the web and marketing.

According to my not so clear vision, content creators of the web are divided into two main categories: the first category includes users who write for second purposes, and the second ones who write for second purposes and because they like to write.Read More

SEO – Website Optimization

SEO services of Optimization are aimed at all companies wishing to exploit to the utmost the huge market created by the search engines and specifically from Google; Companies aware that SEO positioning does not offer immediate, but gradual, incremental results, a medium-term farsighted investment that will pay off the wait much more.Read More